Come on, LET’S DO THIS!!!!

I have a young woman who is a member of our church in Kokomo, Christ the King, who has decided to step out and make a real difference. Erin Tidd, who is entering the 8th grade (pictured here with her mom Stephanie) on July 18th will fly to Houston, Texas to take part in “Soul in the City,” which is an outreach program for youth geared to reach out to inner city Houston. Here is the site.

Now before I go any further, let me say something important. Erin is more than just a special young woman for wanting to make such an incredible commitment, she is a leader, in that she in faith is stepping forward FIRST. You see, what connects Erin to Houston is her commitment to her faith and helping all God’s people, but what she brings back is even more significant, because Soul in the City is something next summer and many to follow, we would like to do here.
I am writing my blog tonight to ask you for your support for her. First and foremost, we would appreciate your prayers. It takes a lot to hop on a plane to fly hundreds of miles to a place you’ve never been, to meet people you have never known, and to minister in a way you could have never imagined…..and that is at any age. Let’s remember that this committed young soul is not even yet in high school. And then for her parents to faithfully support this is big as well! I pray and worry when send Scotty to the Kroger! And if Erin is this committed now, you can imagine her influence on others as she makes her way through high school!
What I am asking is for you to help me build a small fund that will pay, not just for Erin on her trip, but for the future of youth work here in Indiana. Anything additional would be kept to use for similar work, and ultimately for us to launch a Soul in the City ministry here in Indiana in the future. The cost of her stay is just $150, her airfare, the transportation, is the rest. All and all, it’s really not a whole lot of money to raise, but it is something I’d hope we would all support! This is SO BIG a deal, and I am asking for your support!
Please consider making a contribution to support this important work. Checks can be sent to St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, 149 N. Walnut Street, Westfield, Indiana 46074 and just put in the memo YOUTH MINISTRY. Erin leaves on July 18th. We will keep you posted on the trip and the developments all the way along.
Thank God that there are young people like this in our world! It really gives me a lot of hope!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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