Alone again….naturally.

This afternoon Amanda hopped onto another airplane for another business trip, leaving us boys to rule the roost. I would like to say that Stephanie is around, and she is, but she is so busy we hardly see her. Amanda will fly in on Thursday morning and we will meet her at the airport with an extra car. She and Steph will head to Lindenwood that afternoon for registration for classes for the upcoming semester. They will arrive home, I think, sometime Friday.

So for now I am just hanging out, really by myself. Scott and Ben are doing something inside, and the dog really prefers them over me. I think they tend to drop more food than I do.
But the blessing is that I have a lot of work to catch up on and a lot to think about. I have had a lot on my mind lately, and I suppose this will be a good time to process a lot of it too. Time seems to just fly by me lately, and it causes me to have to be more reactionary than proactive about my life. That’s no way to live……I need to be able to be more prepared.
So it is off to find out what the boys are doing, since when it is quiet that is an indicator of possible trouble. Let’s hope not…….in my mind our insurance is high enough!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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