Just trying to get things done…..

Sometimes when I try to type while Ben is with me, I feel like a hawk with one of those birds that is always trying to interfere. (I believe it is the Montreal Canadien) Unlike the interfering bird, Ben is really trying to be helpful and is really interested in what I am trying to do…….but just like the bird, he is really not all that helpful.

But in truth, he is just lonely for his mom. They are pretty tight, and though we are all on his list of favorites, he really is out of sorts when she is not around. Unfortunately he will just see her for a little bit tomorrow. She will fly into Indy and we will meet her at the airport. She and Steph will then leave from the airport together to go finish registering for classes at Lindenwood in Missouri where Steph begins in just a few short weeks. So this is to say that they will see each other for less than an hour. It will stress him a bit I am sure, but Scotty is taking him to the Children’s Museum right after that….he should recover quickly.
So anyway, I am off to bed to prepare for the big arrival and transition. My little bird is still looking over my shoulder…….but in truth, I wouldn’t want it any other way!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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