Da rules…….

This has been an UNBELIEVABLE DAY. The kids and I all met Amanda, along with our summer babysitter Anna (one of my lacrosse players, a good one too) down at the Indianapolis airport where Amanda flew in from a business trip from Philadelphia. She and Steph were heading from there to Lindenwood in Missouri for Steph to register for classes, and Scott, Ben, and Anna would head to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum, and Father Dan would pick me up from the airport for a meeting.

It ALL seemed to be going well too, until as Dan and I approached our meeting site when Scotty called to tell em that AFTER waiting 20 minutes in line that the Children’s Museum would not let him take his little brother or Anna in, despite having the funds, because he was only 17 and it was “against the rules.”
Of course I had the absolute dignity to “blow a gasket” because I actually LIVE IN A COUNTRY where we allow all sorts of people to cross our borders and in addition to that we SUE STATES that try to enforce LAW. But this is different……my SON, who wanted to take his 3 year old LITTLE BROTHER to the CHILDREN’S MUSEUM to do radical things like “ride the merry go-round,” and “pay for their admission,” is considered a risk. In fact, he was told that it was “against the rules,” and this denied. I do not know who this was who denied him, but I am CERTAIN I want him as HEAD OF BORDER SECURITY. This guy knows his stuff. After all, if we can keep out the loving 17 year old brothers, we can probably keep out the terrorists.
Sure, Scotty could have LIED…..but that is not what my kids do. He instead ended up taking Ben and Anna to a bowling/game place in Noblesville and blew the same amount of cash, but kept his dignity. I love him for that too. He didn’t compromise himself, and he still spent every penny I gave him! Good job Scotty.
So it’s off to bed for us tonight, and Amanda and Steph will be home tomorrow. We will have the house back in shape before they arrive too. After all, it’s not the law, but it’s the rule……and who wants to mess with that?
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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