Finding Emo, and other reflections…….

There’s an old saying, “a watched pot never boils,” which really isn’t true, since it will if you watch it long enough.

Of course I expected Stephanie and Amanda to return hours ago from the registration trip at Lindenwood. It’s just shy of 7:30 pm now and they are just outside of Plainfield…..still about an hour away. I have to admit, I was clock watching, but you never know with those two. When they are having a good time they are “thicker than thieves” (which is an expression I do not think I will ever understand) but when they are a bit tense with each other time flies! They clearly do not miss me, and have taken their “dear sweet time” (yep, another one) getting home. Fortunately Ben is watching “Finding Emo,” which is distracting to him and he will probably have a little “mice cream” in a few minutes. He cannot however share any of it with “Diaper Dog” (Viper) since it is “chocolate” (a drug of some type for women).
As for me, I finally gave in to writing my blog here on the porch with a “vodka tonic” (it makes me less inspired, but better looking) so I will be done for the night when they arrive…..if they ever do.
So in just a short time, things will be back to normal. I will lose importance in the ranks of my youngest now that “mommy” (the object of his every affection) is returning, and I will go back to being “wrong” (what I always am at home) all the time! THANK GOD TOO! It’s the life that I understand, and that I love.
Goodnight and God Bless!


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