Planters Planters Everywhere!

Dear Lord….it is either feast or famine. Of course as a priest of many years, I should have known better. All I needed to do was ask my congregations to start praying for Church Planters and for people to called to ministry and WHAM…..I am busier than ever! (or EV-A if you are under 18)

But in truth, I am amazed by it all. I am hearing from people interested in all parts of the state! It is such a blessing and an exciting time to see such enthusiasm and faithfulness! If I were just more faithful we might not have had to wait this long!
So tomorrow I will meet yet another, who I actually talked to for the first time today! A few weeks ago, another stayed at my house that I had never met! They both may become brothers in ministry (in Indiana)! At least I hope so (take note you two….IN INDIANA!)
On a side note, as predicted, I did hear from Uncle Al…..I got details on his walk, and was surprised to hear he learned about dad (his brother) from me. Dad is still in the hospital, and should be released in the morning. Hopefully that comes to fruition. I expect to hear from him personally tomorrow.
Anyway, it is off to bed for me. Tomorrow is another busy day, so pray for me. But more than that, pray for my dad. At 165 I am sure he worries that each breath will be his last. And I mock him (because he is just 74) in hopes that he will read this an commit himself to get out of the hospital and fly home to kick my butt. I love you dad, but we just need to get you home!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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