The Papa….the PAPA!

It has been an unbelievably busy day for me, but the highlight of it all was being able to talk with my dad earlier this evening. He was in the car heading into London, and he sounded great. He must have still been drugged up though, since he shared he was stuck in traffic and had been for about 2 hours……it just wasn’t right, my dad was born and raised in Brooklyn.

But whoever it was that I talked to and told me he was my dad, and quite honestly he made my day. I do not need any inheritance. After all, I already have what I need from him…..six pack abs, chiseled features, amazing intelligence and a delusional self-perception. But seriously, when those you love are away and there is a crisis you worry. And, I was worried. And I know we all were. I know that Debby was very worried and I could hear it in her voice. It is such a blessing to know it is resolved. Tonight I actually told him about sharing it on my blog and on Facebook asking for prayers. He was VERY appreciative. Thank you all so very much.
So often as a priest I am called to be with families and people in these kind of situations and even as someone called into it, it weighs heavy upon you. I want you all to know how very thankful I am for all your prayers and support for my dad, because as you were praying for him, you were helping me and my family.
Of course I asked him if he was cutting the vacation short and coming home to which he answered………no. No surprises there and good for him. I am just glad he will be home sometime. And I want to thank you for all your prayers!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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