The Prodigal…….

Although he has been in his own bed the last four nights, Ben tonight has returned to our bed. As a matter of fact, I am trying to type this very moment with him jamming his little feet into my ribs. He seemed more than happy to sleep in his own bed tonight……as long as someone slept in there with him. Unfortunately for us all, there were no takers.

But really, I do not mind. Though I tend to always get his feet kicking me in one way or another, it is, in truth, a delightful adventure. Kids are only little once, and I really do enjoy listening to him concoct a story as to why he needs to not sleep in his room. And the stories are always better when there are no storms, bad dreams, or any of the usual sad excuses.
So once again he is here, and the streak of Ben-less bed nights ends currently at 4. I am sure it is a record that will be broken and soon. But I am in no hurry for him to grow up. Lord knows I still haven’t! It is a blast dealing with a little guy who constantly cracks me up. It is a blessing for sure!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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