It’s okay, I’m with the band…..

If you know the origin of that quote, then you too are probably a “Blues Brothers” fan. I have seen that movie probably as much as I have seen my three favorites….”It’s a Wonderful Life” (b&w, Jimmy Stewart), “The Princess Bride,” and “A Beautiful Mind.” It was always comforting to me somehow that the Lord could use two boy’s school rejects, which made me hopeful about my own future for sure.

But tonight the line from outside of Bob’s Country Bunker, in Kokomo, Indiana no less (where we have a CHURCH – no, not at Bob’s Country Bunker, but in Kokomo, Indiana) came to mind to me as Ben joined his brother downstairs for a jam session. His guitar was bigger than he was, but somehow it just didn’t matter. He drug it to the couch and began to play “with the band.”
His preferred genre is not quite what is normally played down there, yet neither were Jake and Elwood at Bob’s Country Bunker. Yet when music is playing, somehow things always seem to work out. Tonight was not exception. There was a lot of smiling and sining and then the concert ended due to what in the music business we call “bath time.” The conflict in the movie happened after the band left the bar without paying for their tremendous beer tab, and though Ben does not drink beer, there still was conflict. Ben slid Scotty’s kaypo under the strings and left the whole thing there on the couch. Musicians, I tell you……
Anyway, it has been a crazy night and I am sure Steph will not be sorry she has slept through it all. She had her wisdom teeth out this morning and has only been up a little. She seems no less wise for sleeping through the concert. Maybe those teeth are mis-named.
Anyway, it is off to make sure Estaban is getting clean.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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