A matter of perspective…….

Today is July 18th, and as I made it through my day today I became very aware that just 1 month from now, August 18th, I will be dropping my daughter Stephanie off at college hundreds of miles away. And though I am proud of her, and excited for her, somehow the whole thing (that I have been preparing for my entire life) will be a big thing for me.

Of course for her, it is also July 18th. And I am sure today at one point at least, if not multiple times throughout the day, she thought that in just 1 month, August 18th, I will arrive at college and begin my new life there. And though I am sure she is excited to go, I am also certain that she wonders just how she will ever live without us! (Okay, I just made that last part up).
But it’s funny how we can look at the very same thing and see it so differently…..it clearly is a matter of perspective. And my perspective to her, and all her friends, I know they believe is skewed. After all, to me they are all still the same kids I have known for years. They however, are young women, adults now in fact, all legally able to be married and live on their own with or without parental permission. But as a parent, it is often hard to let go. And my perspective is what makes that so hard.
I told Steph tonight that her three full days here in the house were the most that I could remember seeing her in years. Teenagers these days are always doing something, and tomorrow I am sure she will get back to her active social schedule. But I will say being able to talk to her by just walking down the hall at anytime, really was quite weird. It was like she was 8 again and here all the time. Times are changing and times have changed…..I guess I better get used to it.
So just a month to go. I intend however to hold my head high and enjoy every day. As a dad, I am glad it worries me and that I am dealing already with the fact that I will miss her. I would be horrified to think our relationship was such that I just couldn’t wait for her to go. She’s a great kid….excuse me, young woman…adult. These 30 days I expect like these last 18 years, will go by quickly. I will thank God for each and every one of them! (and yes, the picture is a couple years old)
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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