On the Potter’s Bridge Trail……

In between all that I have to do, I am trying to get a bit of exercise too. And today I thought it would be a great idea to go push Ben in his stroller down at Potter’s Bridge. It is 3 miles from beginning to end, and in his stroller I thought I would get two times in before the rain.

Of course he was much less than cooperative. He apparently is “too big” for the stroller and prefers to choose option two….”run around like a maniac,” although his “maniac” sounds a lot more like something else. But regardless, I was put into a situation where I needed to choose between the exercise I wanted and total “dad” time. And like Martha and Mary in yesterday’s Gospel, I “chose the good portion,” …..the stroller remained in the car.
And Ben did a lot better than he or I expected. He wanted to keep moving ahead, and he did at a great pace. When we turned around we were 1.25 miles from the start making it a 2.5 mile walk. But Ben, clearly not wanting me to have an easy workout, INSISTED that I carry his sweaty hot little stinky self the last mile in the 85 degree heat. So yes, I got a great workout in the end.
And honestly, I have no regrets. Hanging with any of my kids is always a blessing and an adventure…….though the little one lies. To get me to carry him he kept saying that he loved me and wanted to give me a kiss. And once he had his arms around my neck the “carry you’s” (he doesn’t say “carry me,” he says “carry you”) began in insistence. And our half mile workout of intensity would have rivaled even Billy Banks!
But now we are home and enjoying the night. I still may get out an walk some more after he goes to bed. Scotty might want to go but I have news for him…..at 6’1″ he can finish the entire walk by himself.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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