Hanging out…….

I do not often get to have a night like I did tonight. I was home late from a premarital session and Ben was not yet asleep. As it turned out, Amanda was tired, so Scott and I snuck Ben downstairs to play. And after a while, Steph came home and it was just me and the three kids destroying the house on our own without supervision, I mean Amanda.

And it was really kind of fun for me. All three of them are so much alike, yet so very different. They all three make each other laugh, and that’s part of the fun. Steph is leaving for Lindenwood in a few weeks, and Ben, who will be a college probably long after I am dead, was wearing a Lindenwood jersey. Scotty and Ben had pizza together tonight and both relayed that adventure to me. Steph and Scott both got texts from friends as all this went on……it was an interesting dynamic, that’s for sure.
But mostly, it just made me thankful I am their dad, and reminded me of how proud I am of them all too. I should mention the dog was there too, but asleep the whole time. He, like Amanda, will need to read this tomorrow when they wake up.
But for now I will go to bed counting my blessings. It has been a marvelous evening and I pray for a good night’s sleep.
Goodnight to you my friends and God Bless!

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