Of moles and men……

Though it is just after 8 pm here, it seems like 11 to me. My body is clearly out of whack, and I long for it to get back into a rhythm. My sleep cycles are all messed up, but hopefully soon I can get back to normalcy.

You see, I like routine, and I do best when I know what to expect. Lots of people are that way I suppose, and I number myself among them. I am not quite their king, but I could make a case for it. With my ever-fluid brain, the routine helps me to keep balance.
That’s why TWO things are bothering me now! You see I not only blog as a form of therapy, but I also work hard on my lawn. It is great exercise and a very tangible discipline as well. That’s why the sudden appearance of CRABGRASS is driving me wild…..particularly since I treated for it months ago. It is now popping up everywhere, but only to be surpassed in irritation by a MOLE.
Now I say “mole,” because the plural, “moles,” is just too much to fathom right now, but considering the tunnels are more numerous and elaborate than those in the Afghanistan mountains, I may be dealing with a bunch.
And I have tried all sorts of things that I have tried before that have never worked in my entire life…..hoses, poison, treating for bugs, and even mole traps. If they are still around next week I am going to claim them on my taxes, but for now I want them OUT.
In Caddyshack it was a gopher, and the dynamite Bill Murray used to try and terminate him destroyed a lot of the golf course, and I am considering this because these little rodents are killing off a lot of my lawn.
So keep me in your prayers. I sprayed the crabgrass again tonight with something new, though I am wondering if it was a good idea…after all, in a few weeks with the moles, it may be all I have left. I now have to figure out a plan for the moles. I may just call a dermatologist.
Goodnight and God Bless!

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