“Don’t drive angry, don’t drive angry…..”

If I had a nickel for everyday I have had like today I would have at least 5 cents. At times I feel as if my life is like my favorite Bill Murray movie “Groundhog Day,” while other times I just long for it because I would know what to expect. Moles aside tonight, because they are the least of my worries, I can see why people drink too much or run away! I am trying my best tonight to not do either.

But today has been a tough day….no, I have not caught a mole nor have I received any type of communication from them seeking either a settlement or a surrender. My day, all day, has in my estimation been on the edge of explosive, but a lot less stressful that receiving a call that the parking lot of our new St. Patrick’s was flooding. I wet down there and met the water department. There is a leak between the shut off at the street and the main shut off to the building. Our landlord is a GREAT GAL and though she mentioned that it is plumbing “on the premises” and “technically” ours to deal with (meaning pay for) she wants to work with us on it. Fortunately the city shut off the water and tomorrow morning we will begin to dry the thing out and get it fixed. I however do not need any additional stress in my life….particularly today.
So I indeed have poured myself a vodka tonic, but in an effort to not run away, I have handcuffed myself to the chair and I threw the key out of my reach. I know my limits and I am close to them, but had I really wanted to suffer I would have thrown the vodka tonic out of my reach too. I am dumb, but not stupid.
Anyway, the sunrise may not bring a better day, but it will lead to solutions, but tonight I will just set it aside. Bill Murray told the gopher, “Don’t drive angry,” and I won’t. I will instead take a deep breath and center myself for the new day.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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