
No, it is not a real word, but it truly encompasses the lack of clarity in my day today. The water is off and mostly gone. We have blowers drying out the dirt under the church. Our insurance does NOT cover the clean up nor the repair, and the costly part, the plumber, is coming tomorrow. I know over the course of my career colleagues have always got excited to have doctors as members, but I never have seen it that way. I don’t care what people do. But today I do see what a real and tangible blessing it would be to have a church with some plumbers, electricians, and mechanics….but unfortunately we have none of these! When you do, there is never a problem I am sure.

I have considered asking my dad, who is a PhD. psychologist and retired, to come tomorrow and crawl under the church and talk to the pipe (which is what we think it is) about why he is leaking. It would be cheaper I am sure, though I am not certain about its effectiveness. I am just trying to save money we do not currently have.
So keep us in your prayers and pray especially that this is a simple job. Tomorrow I want to be spectaculariscious, and nothing else in my mind will do. And fortunately for me and the way my mind works, all that just may be possible!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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