Seeking the Affirmation Massager 3000…….

You probably do not want to know. We are already 200.00 into this leak with nothing to show. The plumber did say the leak is clearly in between the water meter at the street and where the water comes into the house, but the idea is now that an excavator needs to dig up the side yard and run a new line. We are currently negotiating because we cannot understand how that could really be considered “on premises.” Time will tell, but we will see.

So it has been a long and stressful day. I was able to get myself a new phone tonight, which I needed, but that I clearly do not understand. I suppose the stress does not help, but in the end it will make my life easier. They do not yet make a phone that rubs your shoulders and tells you how blessed they are to be your phone yet, but had they had one, I would have paid a million dollars for one. I will just have to be satisfied with the one I have.
But just as I have been on a BIG learning cure by switching from a PC to a MAC, I have now moved from a Blackberry to an Android….the cure is getting larger, but I am along for the ride (as opposed to “up for the task.”)
But tonight I did get a few minutes to relax with the cat who was in the basement hiding from the storms. It reminded me that I am not a cat and that I really need to be out being a bit more proactive in my own storms. And that I will. I may be a techno-moron, but if I can get some traction I can negotiate even the most treacherous storms. Tomorrow I intend to too.
But if not, I will spend the rest of the day looking for that affirmation/massage phone. Let’s hope it all goes well!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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