Relationship Issues……..

In retrospect, buying our three year old son a recorder (yes, the one like a flute) was probably a mistake. But just like so many other men, I apparently am unable to know that I am making a mistake until she sees me. To me, it was a worthwhile investment, at least for the “cute factor” but any moron can tell you that $1.00 for a recorder in the hands of a three year old is a musical mistake. (they actually play this very music during hostage standoffs to mess up the criminals)

But for a time, we thought we were cool and in for some praise. Also in retrospect, it probably would have helped had I made a comment about her hair too (since she had just come from the salon). But if I were really capable of wise choices, I wouldn’t be a guy.
So I am hoping to recover in some way this evening. The hair compliments are clearly too late (though it does look maaaavaelous) and I thought we were making progress when Amanda picked up the recorder and started playing (though she will not tell you….she plays the saxophone) but BEN grabbed it an broke it. (You would think that when you spend that kind of cash something would last.) So the bottom line is NO progress.
But here is the blessing……I am a GUY and I am used to it! So no worries there! I will survive the night and move into the next day. And no worries there either……..I have just bought Ben an accordion on Ebay!
(I MAY have redeemed myself with the VIDEO included on this blog!)
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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