The Princess City……Mishawaka, Indiana

How ironic that on a night that I begin a three night stay in my hometown, Mishawaka, Indiana, the debate on Facebook between us “natives” is whether Princess Mishawaka was really the daughter of Chief Elkhart, and even more importantly, if she really existed.

In truth, it all makes me feel uncomfortable. There are just some things you count on, and for me, one of them is that I grew up in a town (now a major city) named for an Indian Princess who is buried under a rock near the river. Mishawaka is “The Princess City” and it would be a royal shame to find out that it all wasn’t true. History means a lot, and to all of us who grew up here, it means even more.
Of course I think the city is now about 100k people, but when I lived here it was just 15k. The hotel I am staying at while I scope out locations for churches up here was WAY OUT in the CORN when I grew up, but is in a congested area now! It is nice, but honestly I cannot say I am happy. It is no longer small town Indiana……and I am clearly a DINOSAUR.
But I will take comfort in the fact that I still believe she exists and is buried here. And like many other times, I will drive by that grave tomorrow. Some things we just need to believe, and this is one of them.
I thank God I get to spend a few days at home…..albeit in a (nice) building in the middle of what should be just corn. It is still Mishawaka, and I still feel my best here.
Who says you can’t go home?
Goodnight and God Bless!

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