Oh the humanity……..

Yep, my second night at the wonderful Comfort Inn and Suites in my hometown of Mishawaka, Indiana. I will be here tonight and tomorrow night before heading to Ann Arbor, Michigan to pick up Scott Thursday evening and then head back to home (Noblesville). My wife was sharing tonight how peaceful it was at home, to which I asked if she wanted us to return…….her hesitation really makes me uncomfortable.

But of course being uncomfortable is what a lot of my day has been about. My only highlight was a visit with my grandma in Goshen this afternoon. But the rest of the day I have been out looking at the area in the hopes of planting a few new churches here. A lot of what I have seen though has been pretty weird to me though.
First of all, when I lived here it was a town of about 15,000. Now of course there are approximately 10 million people who live here (okay, that is probably an exaggeration, there are probably more than that). My hotel was a CORN FIELD when I lived here, yet now it is surrounded by stores and restaurants and traffic lights. It is amazing……after all, I am from a small town!
And then there was my neighborhood……it looked so old and parts were very decayed. Of course my parents had our house built there in 1968 so it is hardly new, and it was one of the last built in that section. But everything I remember as being so big and new now seemed so small and old. And to be honest, it was kind of painful to see.
But the hardest part was to see the old Rainbow Roller Rink turned into a bingo hall. WHY??? I know kids don’t roller skate anymore, but we did. And in the cold seasons we would ice skate. But Rainbow Roller Rink was the place where my elementary dreams of love did indeed become true, albeit for the briefest of moments. I was absolutely in love with a girl named Diana Janasheski……a beautiful Polish girl. And though like most boys durning couples skate I stood off to the side wondering if I would ever have the courage to ask her to skate, one time, just one time, I got to…..I just do not remember how. The lights were down, couples were holding hands, and the spotlights reflected off the big disco ball onto the floor of the rink. And there I was with the girl of my dreams (she probably asked me on a dare or something because I am sure I was too chicken.)
But after a few laps, the wheels of our skates touched and our wipeout was far from romantic. So as soon as it started it all ended. We of course lost touch, but I am certain had we been ice skating instead, we would probably still be together today. After all, I do not fall on ice skates, and the rink for ice skating is still in tact.
So tonight I mourn the loss of my serious (only in MY mind) elementary school relationship, the iconic gathering place for 70’s youth, and of course my perspective. My old neighborhood IS old, but it probably has to do with the fact that I am almost just as old. And to be truthful, I am not all polished brass myself anymore either. I suppose we all in one way or another mourn our childhood perceptions. But tonight I will just thank God I have them. I grew up in the greatest place in the world, and that perception has not changed. Things may change in appearance, but that will never be taken away from me!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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