Heading to the mitten, but just for a minute…..

Well my time here in Mishawaka, at least this time, is coming to an end. I have driven all around the area looking at sites and studying locations in hopes of planting an Anglican Church here. I would really like to partner with another church up here (in other words rent some space from an existing congregation) perhaps for about a year, but it is finding one that is the challenge.

It has been a real blessing to be here, but tomorrow I will begin the long trek to Noblesville via, of course, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Scotty will finish lacrosse camp at about 5pm tomorrow and I will be there to pick him up. I intend to get there by driving off the beaten path too…..all the way across Michigan on US12. It’s not that I do not like to get there fast, but it is because I really enjoy the drive through the small communities that help make up this great country of ours! It cuts the stress and makes it more of an adventure than a task. I am looking forward to seeing Scotty too. We will have a great trip back I am sure.
But for now, I will head to bed. As always, it seems strange to not be wrestling with Ben and cracking up at his reasons why he needs to sleep in our bed. I imagine I will not hear it tomorrow due to the time, but should hear it Friday. It will be good, regardless, to get home.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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