St. Orkin the Magnificent???

It’s 11pm and I find myself alone wondering where the day has gone. I did mow, take care of the surgical patient and the youngest, poisoned the grubs that are feeding the stupid mole or moles, and what else I cannot remember. I KNOW I accomplished a lot more, but for some reason it all escapes me.

The good news though is that my day is done. I am not ready for tomorrow by any means, but since I am scheduled in Kokomo tomorrow, I will have a little time after I wake up to put everything together. My hope is that I just wake up with a lot of clarity! We will see!
I can say that I regret not telling Amanda to go out and stomp down the little tunnels of all the little rodents who are intent on making a maze out of the yard. Since I was gone all week their little paths, when not pushed back down, killed the grass. I have learned that grub treatments from the store are not all alike, and apparently the ones I started with seemed to be more of a seasoning for the moles than something to let them see they were not welcome. I am one short tantrum away from gasoline or a backhoe or both. If I cannot get them by the end of the week, I a going to call a dermatologist (or a psychiatrist).
But for now I will head off to bed and try to understand how a guy with three degrees (a bachelors, a masters, and a doctorate, plus half of an MBA), could be outsmarted by a rodent with vision issues…..ha cannot even dig straight! I hope he can sleep at night, because I don’t. But tonight I intend to use my time wisely and look up the Patron Saint of Exterminators. I am buying a statue to bury in my yard! Lord knows, it can’t hurt!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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