Staking every claim……..

Being the father of a three year old is always a hoot. Whatever you want to do, they want to be doing it. Wherever you want to sit, they want to be sitting there. Wherever you think something just might be yours, they are there to stake there claim.

Thus is the story of my attempt to lay down a few minutes on the couch……as you can see, there is an obstacle. Of course to him it is a game, and to be fair, it is pretty cute, let’s say the first 35,000 times. But tonight I am beat, and I really wanted to just lay down. Needless to say, I was not able.
Of course in the end I always win. He may be cute, but he still needs more supervision than I do, and therefore I take up less of her time. He is cuter, probably smarter, and a lot funnier than I am, but I am (at this point) legal to leave at home by myself and that is a big plus!
The last laugh will be mine too. His bedtime is in 15 minutes and that couch is calling my name! No little claim jumpers there after nine. He’ll probably just be upstairs snuggling with his mommy………oh wait a minute…….that little rat!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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