Godzilla vs. the Oreo Lizzard……

Yep, it was a big conflict. Three year olds know it all, but mispronounce just about everything. That’s why Viper is Diaper Dog, helicopters are hoppicoppers, and an Oreo Blizzard, though we get it from McDonald’s where they call it an Oreo McFlurry, is an Oreo Lizard.

But tonight he would have none of it. Though he wanted it badly he was making it clear that he was not going to eat a reptile. Three year olds, just like 49 year olds, either have quite the imagination or are quite literal. Both make the choice as to what benefits them them most, but clearly tonight he was in control.
At one point he told me that he did not want an Oreo Lizard because lizards were dirty and he did not want one in his mouth. But when push came to shove, and I told him okay and began to take it away, suddenly he changed his mind and decided that eating lizards were not just a good idea, but that he would be the best lizard eating human being in the world…..especially the Oreo kind.
So tonight is done and the lizard is as well…..and to be honest, so am I.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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