Working below my pay grade……….

I have to confess, I am doing an awful lot of paddling, but I do not believe my progress is really commensurate with the amount of work. It’s not that I need to produce a masterpiece, because I don’t, but I do like to feel I have accomplished something, and that I am not currently feeling.

I have truly shifted gears in my life, not giving up that which I love, but refining it in a finer way. I feel as if I have come a long way to get to this point, but often it looks as if I am no further from the shore than I was before. It is often frustrating, but when I pull back and look objectively, I can see the progress. Even returning to this blog is an indicator of progress, for as I have stretched myself I began to need to write it again for a bit of cognitive therapy. My mind works best when firing on all cylinders, and writing helps me to process my day.  I never did any such thing like it before my stroke, as it was something akin to keeping a diary to me, and far too identified in my generation with the realm of “girls’ things.”  But post-stroke, some sort of processing is absolutely necessary. And this blog is the medium I have chosen. For those of you who don’t know, I write this just for me, and I almost always have. Some people however are just twisted enough, or bored enough, to join me on the journey.

So anyway, I suppose all that means is this is a post that doesn’t say much of anything, yep, no progress, but that is just how I feel. 

It may be a rut, but it’s really only a temporary one. All of them are.  I need to brush my teeth, go to bed, and call it a day.  There will be time for more paddling tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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