Lessons from Kroger……..

Heading to the Kroger with Ben is often an adventure, but never a dull one for sure. We made stops at St. Patrick’s and the post office before arriving there, and yes, in our heavy-duty Ironman rain boots. (and yes once again, they were on the wrong feet)

I suppose it would attract a lot less attention if he wanted to ride in a cart, even the ones that are little cars attached to the cart (they are never available). But he insists he wants to “run like maniac,” so that’s what I let him do. I am sure people just mistake us for brothers as we chase each other up and down the aisles and laugh. But it is just one of our “things” together, and one we both enjoy very much.
Of course it often leads to him in the middle of a busy aisle stopping and saying (loudly), “Hey daddy, I tooted!” In retrospect, I suppose I never should have laughed at it that first time, because as a parent I have found the following 500 times not nearly as amusing. But for him it just seems to get better and good for him.
In truth, I am really quite envious of him. As adults we carry a lot around on our shoulders……responsibilities, burdens, thoughts, memories, etc. Even when we do not perceive it, we are carrying something.
Children on the other hand, do not bear that weight. Ben’s world is full of discovery and joy, from carrying (poorly) a big jar of pickles, to cracking up the locals at the Kroger. He often teaches me that God’s blessings abound, even when you are not actively looking for them.
Anyway, we are now safe at home, having a ball and away from the judgement of the other shoppers. If they only knew what we know. Thanks to Ben for making it fun. And thanks be to God that we can do it again tomorrow!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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