Entering my walk to transition……..

Yep, it’s Sunday night…….just three more nights with us, and on Wednesday morning we will make our way to Missouri to drop her off.

My sermon today was about seeing the signs and knowing what was on the horizon. The dealings of my life were able to be a pretty good example, in that I have been preparing for this week all my life.
But as I said, life is a journey. The race is not a sprint, but it is meant to be run with endurance and finished. I will not just drop Steph (I still see her as Stephy) at college this week, but in all honesty I will survive it too. It is a strange combination of pain and pride. I hate to let her go, but I know she must. And clearly she is all broken up about it as well, seeing as after church she went to the Colts’ game and is now at the John Mayer concert. (I do not know much about him, though I do know he is a singer. I am more of a fan, and familiar with his family’s hot dogs).
So tonight is the last hurrah with her friends. Tomorrow we will enjoy a home cooked family meal (her choice of course) and then Tuesday we will have dinner with my dad and family out.
It is a week for which I am ready, and one for which I am proud.
Kids grow up so fast. I am just thankful for the time we have had, and look forward to how it is changing as we walk together through this week.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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