Girls go to college to get more knowledge, but boys go to Jupiter to get more HD channels on cable……

Oh yes, it is true. Boys are much smarter than girls. After all the girls willingly marry us. (The prosecution rests)

But the big news of the day is that Stephanie now is living in Missouri at Lindenwood University. She has a great roommate, a lot of wonderful young women on her floor, and the opportunity to make of herself all that God has called her to make.
And I am certain she will do just fine. She is unpacked, and has all that she needs. And no, it is well past midnight now here at home and I haven’t heard from her. I am taking that as a good thing.
It was just such a busy time and day. Amanda was and is not feeling well, and Ben was a real trooper. He told us on the way home that he now wants to go live in Missouri too, “with Stephy.” And to get there we need to drive over the “Mr. Sippy Wiver.” I think he will need some time before he goes. Steph, on the other hand, knew it was “river.”
So now I just see what happens. I am sure it is going to be great for her though. I am just thankful she is finally there and thankful we are now at home. It’s time for bed too. Ten hours of driving, two Wal-Mart trips, and a list of things to mail tomorrow have worn me out!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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