Musician extraordinaire……..

Although our very talented Director of Music resigned a few weeks ago to pursue her doctorate, I was very fortunate to have a talented music who was willing (meaning forced) to step in.

My son Scotty is an amazing musician. He started on the trumpet and endured lessons on piano, drums, and guitar…..all of which he protested greatly. He was never a good music student, except at school where they loved him. And it was not that he was not loved here. It was just not his “cup of tea” as they say to head to a lesson once a week.
His former piano teacher, Marsha Dragoo, is a parishioner at St. Patrick’s where Scotty now plays. I described him as her very worst student, to which she protested vehemently. But even Scott would beg to differ. His 15 second (including the walk up to the piano) recital rendition of “Penguin Blues” is still on video. He played it with one finger and got off the stage as soon as he could. He just was not very good with the lessons and structure.
But left on his own, he has become a remarkable musician. He plays, he writes, and he has one week in as the musician at St. Patrick’s, a position he will share every other week with another talented musician, Skip Beyer. Scotty just sits and plays. He loves music and it comes naturally. It is a real blessing to the congregation at St. Patrick’s and a real blessing to our entire ministry as well. And we have him for a year, as long as he doesn’t flunk out…..if he does, we have him longer.
As a guy who LOVES music, nothing could be a bigger blessing than having children who play. Steph is an amazing guitarist, but she now lives in Missouri. (Steph, on a challenge at around 10 years old learned to play “Canon in D” so I would take them to Disneyworld. I thought I was safe, but Florida was worth it) Scott will probably have a career/vocation that involves music, so it is a blessing to have him play. Ben sings and plays every instrument and all of them poorly. We just thank God his bedtime is as early as it is.
But on this night I am thankful for Scott and the answering of this call to ministry. I am certain it will not be his first. A guy like this is one whom the Lord will use. And as for me, I am blessed that He has decided to use him playing with us here at St. Patrick’s!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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