Not quite ready to share the news……..

Since it is just 72 degrees right now, the dog, the cat and I are able to post from the back porch once again. Although I am not too anxious for the cold weather to come our way, sitting out here is something that really does me good. It is a real blessing to be here tonight.

Tomorrow Amanda leaves for a business trip so I will get to be the focus of most of Ben’s attention. The picture, I know, looks like I just told him, but I have not yet. He does not like it when his mom leaves so it is best to put that news off till it has to be shared. In fact, the picture is just after me expressing my concern that he needed to eat his macaroni BEFORE getting a cookie. The blanket is from one of his stalls (he couldn’t eat his macaroni because he was “cold,” which I fixed) but of course if there was a cookie, there would be no stall and temperature would not matter.
But really, who cares? He ate, he did not freeze to death in the middle of summer, he got his cookie, and I am able to sit out on the back porch……everyone is satisfied. And to me, that is the end to a perfect day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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