Of backs, bells, and bed…….

Great……my back is out (which happens occasionally) and Amanda is on a business trip. I have two problem areas of my back, one the result of an accident in college, the other the result of a sports injury. Unfortunately, both involved alcohol, which seemed pretty cool then, but which has resulted in a lifelong reminder about foolish behavior when you drink.

Of course Ben accompanied Amanda and I to the airport to drop her off, and no, Ben is not the result of foolish drinking behavior, but the result of our marriage, though looking at his behavior at times I wonder if he drinks. He is just three though, and I am doubtful that anyone would give him alcohol, even at college.
BUT, to look at him in the airport you would wonder what is wrong with him…….after all it is 85 degrees and he insists upon wearing his Ironman boots. But I was sure at the airport patrons were not as confused by him as they were by Amanda. After all, Amanda was the one walking with this strange little child being followed by a guy walking like Quasimodo with a suitcase. They must have thought she was one of the Sisters of Charity.
But the good news is that she is in Atlanta and Ben and I somehow managed to get home. He is watching Spout while I type, and as soon as I am done I can try to corral him to bed.
Of course first, I have to ring the bells.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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