A defiant dive into the secret stash…..

The call just came in……she is on the plane in Memphis (via Montgomery) and will be landing at 9:30. It is just 8 here now, and there is no way at all she can stop me from letting Ben eat her ice cream. It would be a violation of Federal Law to get off that plane, PLUS it is her quickest route back.

But in all honesty, Ben deserves it. He has been a real trooper and even ate all his dinner. He sang with me tonight one of my favorite songs “C is for cookie and that’s good enough for me,” which I sing well and change the letter and subject. He tries to stay on pitch, changes the letter, but all letters appear to be about “cookie.” Apparently that’s good enough for him.
But the blessing is we will leave for the airport just as soon as I get out of the shower and run through the “tunnel” (the moving walkway) about 100 times before the plane lands. It is always a hoot, and to be honest it is so much less embarrassing to have Ben do it rather than Scott or Steph.
So it’s to the shower I go. I am not a big fan of ice cream so I will not need a chocolate removal for myself……I do not think the boy is going to be that fortunate.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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