Da leak, da pipe, da Foreman…..

Yep, finally the work was done…..St. Patrick’s had a new line run from the water meter to the church. The leak is fixed, the inconvenience is over, and the boy had a great time looking at the Bobcat doing the work. He didn’t want to leave at all, and made it pretty difficult, but his mom called and was not feeling well at work, so the bossy little construction guy needed to get into the car and go get his mommy. (Ben the Builder…..no he can’t! He has to help mommy!)

But on the way home I drove back through to make sure everything was locked up. The water is on, but not running (which is a change) AND the side yard, which is what they dug up, looks like my yard at home ON STEROIDS! It is as if a mole from a nuclear site has made its way from the street to the back of the Church. In time I am told it will settle, but for now we are praying for snow so we can sled! It is huge! And if it gets any bigger by the morning I will know that stupid mole has moved! But of course, it is a small price to pay for bathrooms!
So Ben got to see a Bobcat, Amanda got to go to bed, and I have had another chaotic but productive day. Tomorrow I hope to be bored out of my mind. Who cares about production when your head is spinning?
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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