Technologically challenged…….

I had a conversation today about technology, and I found it very interesting. You see, I have a new phone, a new phone that I barely know how to answer. I got it because I needed to be able to SEE my screen better, but I had always used a Blackberry, and you really can’t enlarge the screens easily with those. But I was GOOD with my Blackberry and now I have to learn something NEW. It is a BIG learning curve that I just can’t seem to figure out.

But what was funny was the fact that I now blog every day. I blog, have a Facebook account, text, use a computer for emails and work and a schedule (that is also supposedly on my phone) and can probably be tracked more easily than my dog who is chipped and moves basically from his bed to the food and back to bed again.
I write my sermons and do research on a computer. I can tell you what I said ten years ago because it is in a file on my computer. Yet even in grad school I didn’t have a computer because NO ONE DID. And do you know what? Oddly enough, we got by.
I grew up in a world without answering machines, where when we said we would dial the phone we meant it, and where the phones were big, heavy and corded. Mail meant the postman, and we really did think it was pretty fast. I could fix my car without paying someone to plug it into some diagnostic thingy, and people would not complain if it took them a day or two to get a hold of you. (Of course now they complain if they can’t reach you in 5 minutes)
I was thinking though, what did I do with all the time I had that I now fill up with technology? And why, if this is all supposed to be helpful, efficient, and convenient do I feel more stressed today than I was then? I mean, geeez…..I was okay with a couple of 8track tapes back in the 70’s, why do I need something that holds 7 million songs that I can’t find a song I want to listen to on?
I think tomorrow I will find the book that came with my phone and read it. Of course I probably will not understand enough about it to make a difference, but at least it is a step in the right direction. After all, I cannot grow into a crotchety old man if I do not have at least a little base of knowledge that I can misunderstand.
It is just hard working to become that parent that can be a burden to his children as he grows old. I’m just not doing it well at all. Maybe I should check and see if there’s a App for that!
Goodnight my friends and God bless.

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