It starts…..

Today the first (combo) letter of interest came to Scott about college. What I mean by “combo” is that it was not one of the generic pieces of mail he receives from colleges (there are many) because he is a senior who has gone to a college fair……this was one from a lacrosse coach who is looking for both a student AND a goalie and wanted to get on Scotty’s radar.

Of course I told him that St. Mary’s was an all women’s college, to which he said, “cool, I will be the only guy then, right? No no no, that’s a joke. But I did tell him that he should expect these over the next school year and to keep a level head about it. I am sure he will…..after all he is a Tirman.
But it was great to hear the excitement in his voice and see it in his eyes too. Seeing it all happen to his sister before him has made him hungry for it, and this summer he got a lot of exposure at two very high profile camps. He still has the SAT’s before him on October 9th and the rest of his senior year, but it is a great way to kick it off and keep him focused on the future.
So it has started, and we are excited for him. He works hard to be a good athlete and student. He now has some incentive to kick both areas up a notch and see where it leads.
These are exciting times.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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