The Standoff……….

Although we are no longer in our “terrible twos” we are in our “stubborn as all get out” threes, and tonight he was testing my patience. We sat at the table for a long time, me eating what I had fixed and him refusing to do so. It was just noodles and rice, both of which he likes, but he was having none of it, saying things like there were ladybugs and dirt in the noodles.

And unfortunately, those were the ONLY times he was opening his mouth. I did consider force-feeding him, but I decided to wait him out. After all, I am 49 and full of patience, whereas he is just three and would certainly bow to my will.
SO……after he wore me out, I cleared the table and saw him head up to bed with his mom. Oh yes, he was smiling. That little rat wins a lot, and I know that they both would throw me under the bus for each other! But I am comfortable with that, and honestly would not want it any other way. It really cracks me up how they are together. He insisted tonight that he didn’t need noodles, but a hug and kiss from mommy. They are secure with each other, but sooner or later he will want to be fed!
So tonight as they are upstairs having their little escape from noodles bash, I am downstairs enjoying a glass of wine. Scotty will be home soon and probably eat those noodles.
You see sooner or later they come around. And when Ben is 17, I will be sitting her waiting for him!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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