It is what it is…….

In my life I have come to a deep understanding of the concept that “it is what it is.” I had a doctor appointment today, one of three this month, and I filled out the update form on my medical history. At 49, with a stroke, a load of orthopedic surgeries, two sisters in heaven ahead of me, and a severely diabetic mom with Alzheimer’s i a nursing home, I felt like I was checking every box. (I didn’t check two. I have not had a hysterectomy and I am not pregnant….that I know of.)

I used to get pretty frustrated by all that, but not anymore……..because it is what it is. You know, I have had to deal with a lot in this life, but focusing or obsessing on it doesn’t change a thing. If you ask me, I have it pretty good. I still get to live this life and intend to live it well.
Sure, it would be nice to live it with a buff body (meaning mine) and a brain at 100%. But in all honesty, I am still in pretty good shape for middle age, and as for my brain, well we have become friends! It may not work like it used to, but where one area falters another picks up. I really have learned my blind spots, and the relearning and adapting has opened up for me a life I could not have imagined. My mind whirls and whirls now, but it too is what it is. I have come to enjoy riding its wave, and it truly has opened up a whole new world to me. I am a better man, a better father, and a better priest for what I used to believe to be a tragedy.
Anyway, I will check every box but two again soon, and it is what it is, but isn’t it grand? No, it’s not a delusion, it’s just a fact. God has blessed me with so much and He continues to give me wonderful opportunities. I am in for the long haul too. Too many people focus on the negative, and I could too. That however, would blind me from the truth.
This life is what it is, and it is meant to be lived! I am living it, are you? My hope and prayer is that you are. We can’t change things we have no control over, we can only change ourselves.
I love my life, and I intend to keep at it.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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