Finding my place…….reflections of my mid-life

A few days ago I posted something upon Facebook about a “mid-life” crisis. It really was a joke because I do not want a sports car (they are too small), a motorcycle (they are dangerous because people just drive too crazy now), or a girlfriend (I have trouble enough just with the wife I have). Sure, I have heard about living one’s life to the fullest, and I know that one of (if not all of) the Billy Crystal cowboy movies deal with seeking it at my age, and I am just too dang young for a “bucket list.” (I don’t watch too much TV or see a lot of movies, so I apologize for the vague references.)
But my post got me thinking…….what would be the very thing I could do that would reflect the fact that I am healthily dealing with middle age, yet also reflect my personality? Honest of God I was thinking about it, when a former player and captain of mine, Hannah Wishart (IU 2012 and yes, someone should give her a high-paying job) sent me just the thing. It may be a commercial, but those who know me will say, “yep, that fits.” Everyone else will probably “unfriend me.” Regardless, I’d gladly do this every year until I die, and maybe then some.
I hope you enjoy! THANKS HANNAH!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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