Choosing the good portion…….

Tonight we are outside. I am on the porch, Ben and Viper are in the yard, Puddy is on the roof, and Amanda is sitting on the porch swing (it’s on the deck) reading a book. Scott and Steph are both teenagers and Steph is in college. I only hope they are in their respective states.

But in truth, it is the perfect way to head into the holiday weekend. I have to write a sermon, but that’s really all that is on my schedule tomorrow. I may try and do a couple of visits, but it should be a good day to catch up. I know a lot of folks try to pack a lot in on a holiday, but I really like to relax better. Hopefully that is just what we are heading for.
So I am pretty content. I get to spend Sunday with the good people at Christ the King in Kokomo and on Monday Amanda is probably going to surprise me with breakfast in bed, a great lunch and scratch my back all day long. (I am sure I will not be disappointed.)
But for now I will just enjoy the night. I LOVE the cool breeze and watching the clouds blow by.
Life is good, and I am thankful for its blessings!

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