Getting cool…….

It’s quiet out here on the back porch tonight. The sun is just setting and is a wonderful 65 degrees. Amanda, Ben, Viper and I just returned from a trip over to St. Patrick’s, where I put in all the screens, and we made a list of a few things we need to do there. Hopefully over the next few days we will be able to accomplish a few projects there as well as at the house.

But the reality is that this is the end of Summer. Yes, I know not literally, but in terms of how we as Americans live. And ironically, the weather seems to be playing along. A few weeks back it was just too hot to sit out here……today it is great. I do love all the seasons, but I love sitting out here in the Fall and the Spring the best. (Sure, I have TRIED it in the Winter, but it’s a bit much even for me.)
We have had a great time on this porch, but hopefully this will be my last September 5th here. Scotty will graduate next May, and we would like to move to the country somewhere, mostly as a mental health thing for me. I want to have things like a garden, a fire pit, a barn, and a place to raise and train Goldens. God willing, next year we will be in that place.
But for now I am thankful for this place. It has been a real blessing to be here and I still have a lot of time to enjoy it. So I will sign off for now and head out to the deck and the porch swing with the dog. It’s only 8:30 here, and I intend to enjoy the blessings of the rest of the night!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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