The accidental callout…..

Thank God for teenage girls!

I began the day with a lacrosse roster for 2011 of about 17 girls. I decided, since we have yet to be assigned a practice field, to have a gathering at a local ice cream place with these girls to talk about the upcoming season.
BUT….these are girls with a HEART for their team……so as I arrived at Culvers I was greeted by 10, count em, TEN new players! It was a great time, and we haven’t even had the callout yet.
So of course as I was entering the information on our website I got a call from our Board President who said they had a booth at the Freshman Fair this week and got a few girls (8) sign up. Of course I told her about tonight and how they were probably DOUBLES….so I read her MY LIST. Guess what??? That’s right, NO DOUBLES!
I am now convinced I just need to live at least FOUR more years! We begin conditioning on Monday and we will have a lot to teach and learn. I found out tonight that my Assistant Coach Corinne Gunter will not be returning next year, which saddens me a great deal, but we have picked up three new Assistants (in ALPHABETICAL order) Alexis Gadient, Bobbi Mills, and Jack Russell. It is going to be an exciting year.
So off to bed I go…with my mind utterly blown. It is going to be a great year!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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