Confessions of a Bull….formerly in a china shop…..

Today was not what I had planned. Other than waking up and going to bed, and the premarital session I did tonight, everything was flipped on its head.

Some days of course are like that, and though I am well prepared to deal with them, today I would not have done as well as I did without the help of some my staff.
I used to be the kind of guy that would never ask for help, and looking back at those days I wonder how I ever survived. I screwed up more than I’d care to admit, and I am thankful for coming to grips with the reality that I needed to change…..or better yet, I am thankful that reality came to grips with me and changed me.
You see, what some would consider tragedy actually opened my eyes and heart to a whole new world. Sure, sometimes I still close them and attempt to bull my way right through, but often with your eyes closed, even with your head down, you run into something a lot harder than you. I cannot say that I have learned completely (I tell Amanda to be patient because I am a work in progress) bit I am still learning. And that, I believe, is a big key to growth in life.
SO…….I am going to bed while I feel at least a little bit relaxed with the satisfaction that nothing is on fire and to my knowledge the police are not looking for me. Tomorrow will be a new day and one I am looking forward to very much.
Thank God the day is done and thank Him again for this expanded vision. It feels much different, and much better, than it would with my old brain!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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