
Tomorrow we as a nation will remember the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

My hope and prayer for us all is that we remember not just the tragedy, but rather who we are as a people. We seem more divided now than at any other point in my life. But America was never meant to be all about who we are apart from each other, but instead what we become as country together….thus that great melting pot.
These are strange times for sure. But as we remember the tragic loss of all those lives just nine years ago, let us also remember that this life is a lot bigger than just us. And our hope as a country does not come from putting our trust in a man, but by stepping forward in faith and knowing that America was built on the the literal lives of souls that understood the concepts of sacrifice and freedom, not watering down or setting aside their principles, but by holding them up and standing for them.
I am proud to be an American, not just today, but everyday. I pray for those who gave their lives that day, for all of us as we continue to deal with it, and for the future of this great nation.
God Bless America! And of course God Bless you to my friends.

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