The Gift that Keeps on Giving……..

These actually look far better on him than on me, as these Santa shorts were a gift for me from the comedic legends (in their own minds) Amanda and Stephanie Tirman, who thought they were funny. And in all honesty, they are probably just justified payback for embarrassing gifts I have given and have forgotten about, as I a fully convinced that I am always nothing but thoughtful in my giving and the most serious guy I know.  So as I had no retaliatory gifts available I gave them to Ben, not just because he wanted them, but because he takes just about everything about 60 miles (conservatively speaking) past its intended target.  Yes I would indeed make this joke gift a part of the repertoire of that gift that keeps on giving, the constantly-moving Ben Tirman.

And I was not to be disappointed, for after we cinched these up with some suspenders from his “costume trunk,” he suddenly morphed into some type of semi-evil Santa who was running around telling everyone about the toys they should be making.  Was it what I was intending or expecting? Heavens no!  But was it worth it?  You betcha!!

You see, I know the drill.  He always sees me as his production manager or his cohort, whereas the rest of the world is his stage.  That’s why I can always count on him.  And that’s also why they are generally careful about the gifts they give me.

They almost invariably fall into those wrong little hands!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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