Visiting Stephanie…….

Yep, I really do not feel old enough to be doing this, but we indeed were in Missouri visiting Stephanie at college. I never really worry about being away, because living a very public life we always have people either staying at, or watching our house closely. The alarm and the dog are big deterrents too….and if you’d happen to make it past them the cat is the worst of all.

But the nice part was to be able to see Steph. We went to a nice dinner on Friday and on Saturday we did quite a bit of shopping. Scott had to take the picture for this blog because Amanda and I were not savvy enough to, but I admit it would have been a nicer picture to have all the kids together in one….I need to learn how to use it better.
But back to my main theme…….it is a different experience going to see Steph though. She looks and acts older, and quite honestly she is. I guess in all those years having her live under our roof, I really never was able to see her for what she was. And although she will always be my little girl in my heart, I am learning that the young woman she has become is still my daughter too.
I love all my kids, but it was so nice to be able to see Steph because we all miss her. She and Scott just talked up a storm the whole time and it made me feel good.
Today was another learning and adjusting day for me, I was very emotional as we left and was glad to be wearing my sunglasses and not wailing. I was also glad no one asked me anything for a few minutes until I got myself together. But all and all, I am happy for her. Steph is having a ball at college and I am ever so thankful to have the opportunity to see her!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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