Football on a Sunday afternoon……

I got a bit of the best of both worlds today. I got to watch the end of the Chicago Bears game with a three year old climbing on me and laughing. It sure made the game harder to see, but the end result was some play time and a Bears victory…..a great day.

Growing up, watching these games used to be the norm for me on Sunday afternoons. Times however, have changed. I used to be the young one, whereas now I am at the other end. This was a ritual for my grandpa and I to watch the games. I certainly do not remember each and every detail, but somehow I do remember less pressure on my chest (because no one was climbing on me) and a clearer view of the screen (because again, no one was climbing on me). At each stage of life however different, watching the Bears (and Notre Dame when I can) has been an important and meaningful thing to do with family. I just rejoice that Scotty sits in a chair of his own now. He USED to climb on me too at Ben’s age, but at 6’1″ or so now I am pretty sure it would impede my ability to see and probably lead to some sort of hospitalization for me.
So thank God for a Bears win and a fun afternoon (followed by a short nap). Tomorrow will be a busy day, I just am thankful to enjoy the afternoon with the boys.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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