Philosophy lessons of porch swings……

Finally that porch swing is getting some use. It took Ben taking a liking to it before it happened, but thank God it is finally being used!

The picture is of Ben and Amanda reading on it. Ben has a little “Toddler Bible” he brought out there and asked her to read to him. This of course is far better than reading other toddler books that are heavy on rhymes and written by people who could never function in the adult world. Regardless though, it was their time together, but I WAS in earshot… content was important to me!
But now they are gone and Viper has taken his place on it for a nap. Most of Viper’s life is just short walks between naps, but he clearly wanted to take this one on the swing. He is often up on it anyway, being the ONLY family member who wants to use it regularly. He most often is on it with whoever lets him on with them, but right now as I type it is just him and his stuffed squirrel. Viper knows how to live. He likes to sleep and eat. All his toys are not ripped apart and they all still have their squeakers. He just likes to hang and ride in the car…..and did I mention sleep?
Anyway, this post is done and I may join him…..not for a nap, but out on the swing. Life is short, and we can learn a lot from my dog…….take the time to choose the best parts of God’s wonderful creation. And one of the best of those things is our porch swing!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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