Now I lay me down to sleep……

I am in bed, which is rare for posting, and feeling just like I have been hit by a train……of course with my memory, I certainly might of, but it is doubtful. Really what has happened is that the best laid plans have gone awry.

Our house is being appraised in the morning, and in preparation we thought we would get a few things done. We left enough time for them too….that is, as long as nothing else happened, which of course it did. So we added replacing the kitchen faucet to the already full day of projects. This would have been far easier had we a spare just waiting around to install AND had it decided to flood the cabinets before my two trips to Lowes instead of after.
PLUS, men are not allowed to pick out faucets apparently, so this task had to wait until after 5. And it would have been no big deal had I not been priming and painting. I decided to install the faucet in between coats, only to discover at 8:50 that the supply hoses I had on the broken faucet were about 2″ too short. Lowes was closed….but THANK GOD for Menards! I had the faucet in by 10!
Of course it is all not put together because apparently paint needs to DRY…..go figure. But I suppose that is far better than my body which feels like it is going to DIE! (I also went on a 5 mile conditioning outing with my lacrosse team today!) So I suppose if our house gets appraised tomorrow we will refinance it at a lower rate in in few weeks, but if I happen to not make it through the night she can just pay cash for it and forget the appraisal all together. Either way she has that new kitchen faucet she wanted.
So it’s off to sleep for me, but this is not my first rodeo. I am sure in minutes I will be dreaming……probably about some construction project I am doing here at the house!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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