In and out of the whirlwind……

WOW, what a whirlwind of a weekend. We spent the better part of 2 days in Fort Wayne at the Heart of North America Regional Network Reunion and then today at two churches with the Reverend Art Going, who delivered the sermon at both. Art and his wife Nancy are moving to Indiana within the next few months to plant a church in Carmel, Indiana.

So after getting Art to the airport to fly home, we headed over to Anderson to do a few things there and to have dinner with Father PT and Jewel Morgan. It was a hoot of a time, but needless to say I am glad to be home. And although I will be working tomorrow, I am pleased to know my only “have to do at a specific time” commitment is at 3pm. It will be good to not have to push myself.
But as I finally get to relax tonight, I have to confess that I really am blessed to be able to work with some remarkable people……PT, Dan, Stephen, Tony, Michael at home and then all the other clergy in the Anglican Mission just really inspire me. I am surrounded by great clergy. And this means our people are blessed too!
But for now I will just be thankful and head to bed. Thank God the Bears have already won and are not playing late tonight like the Colts are. I just cannot stay up that late anymore. It reminded me of a week ago visiting Stephanie at college, who said after we dropped her off at just before 11 said she was going to then head out with some lacrosse players. Oh I REMEMBER those days……I just no longer live them, and THANK GOD TOO. I am just 9 months away from my AARP card, senior discounts, and learning how to mozy. Retirement?……..just about 50 more years. After all, Ben will need to go to college too.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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