On parenting………

I just saw this picture tonight and it reminded me of a story from October when Amanda bought Ben this shirt.  Apparently she was buying him some gray sweatpants at the same time and the guy behind her in line said it was a pretty awesome costume.  She thought he was kind of being weird with her till he mentioned Freddy Kreuger from those “Nightmare on Elm Street” movies, or at least I think that’s it as I have not seen any of them. But the bottom line was that she didn’t quite feel like “Mom of the Year” after he said it, but this picture proves she clearly wasn’t upset enough about it to not buy the shirt.  But it’s safe as Ben doesn’t want to hurt anyone but bad guys, so even if he is in the worst of outfits, in his heart he is always wearing that white hat.

And today, of all days, he is now 6 and a half.  Yep, half way to being a teenager if he doesn’t figure out a way to get there sooner.  In all honesty I figure there is a high probability I will lose my mind by then anyway as a product of just raising him.  I swear we often exist in some sort of alternate reality. There are more superheroes running around our home than at the Justice League, but I have to confess that it is a heck of a lot of fun.  At 52 I can sword fight, or head on a covert mission with personal assistance from just about any room in my house.  And all I can ask is just how c
ool is that??

Yes, funny story, crappy shirt, but as I remember that night, pretty great Aroz Con Pollo.  And my hope is that shirt just fades away and Ben never knows who Freddy Kreuger is…..ever.  Yep you can live life without seeing things.  I have never seen any of those supposed “classics” and I turned out okay.

And if I ever want to see women frightened, scream, and run away I will not need a costume, I can do it the old fashioned way……….I’ll just tell Amanda we need to have a couple of more children.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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