Amanda in Canada…..maybe……

Amanda travels a lot for work, and tonight she is to be in Toronto for a meeting tomorrow. The last I heard however, she was still in Indiana sitting at the airport. She will return tomorrow night, not just because her meeting will be over, but because she does not trust us boys at the house all alone.

I really wish I could go along though. My grandmother was Canadian and that part of my family comes out of Ontario. I always wanted to learn more about Canada too, not just because we are of Canadian heritage, but also because it is so close.
At one point in my ministry I actually lived just about 5o miles from the Canadian border. It surprised me that I didn’t go and visit more often, but I wasn’t that strong enough of a swimmer to get across the lake. Perhaps I will get a chance to drive or fly again soon.
But I want to because it is important. The Canada of my youth was taught to me by television, and I watched a lot of Second City too. It was rugged, snowy, and full of moose….many more than people. And the people there talked funny and drank a lot, which could certainly explain most of my family, but the accent was different since most of my family is from Brooklyn.
But hopefully one day I will get the opportunity. I do love my family, and I do love our heritage, but the Canadian parts I could learn some more of. Perhaps the next trip.
Of course it is now 8:20 and Amanda’s 7:55 flight has been delayed yet another time, now till 9:50. I know what’s probably happening too. There are probably a group of moose (not the American kind spelled “Moose”) out drinking and playing hockey on the frozen lake the plane is to land on. I know for a fact it happens all the time……after all I am 25% Canadian…..
Goodnight and God Bless!

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